Are we catching every signal of HELP!!

It was late in an evening, while sun was under cover rain had decided to exploit the city streets. In minutes, trees got a bath, roads were lakes, people ran for a shelter and traffic signals weren’t intelligent, they didn’t know it rained, hence remained undeterred, like rocks, never understood the plight of our riders. Unlike our Indian attitude, a few of my fellow riders on the road, stood determined to get a natural bath until signal pushed us ahead. As we all know how long will our ride last on Bangalore roads, only minutes. Soon was another one, which was hosted on an island, at-least it looked so, due to water logged roads. I had stopped for green, and the water was calming my hot engine. I had sleeve up my pants until my calf to balance my bike while I stood more longer for green, observing the surroundings from behind a wet wiser, with a few droplets flowing into the helmet and onto my nose, hearing to wild thuds very often, and seeing fiercely lightnings expecting one to touch my head. An old lady, not a stark lady, in her 70s may be, held my hand for a help. A sigh that consumed myself into thoughts and delayed by response. She was shivering, and her hands were week. She was seeking for some help for food. In such faster decision seeking situation I gave 20/- note to her, without realizing rain would spoil my help. However she had was prepared, she had a small polythene cover with her, and she immediately locked it into it. I just felt relieved of my pressure to arrange a cover for her. Signal turned Green, and my senior behind, patted on my right shoulder and shouted, move move.!

Its was a drench. I was still lost in thoughts to get them clean so that I am better prepared in helping for next time. A voice echoed, that sounded like an experience, from my pillion. There was a sense of discouragement of my act. I was perplexed, and asked him to explain, as we rode past a few more signals. There came a statement, that envisioned the beggar in a better height financially than what we were, and I was awe struck. Should be when a proven and experienced senior says so.

But, for some reason, I didn’t stop to pose this problem to myself. How could world be so complicated. Where, a better person still begs from a lame guy. And, in such rain, did i really make that mistake. I never read this anywhere, even while I read data analytics. Are people so intelligent to debunk the system.

I didnt stop to contribute to such people, though I limited the amount I gave. As always, I have seen this planet, the world teaching itself. And no different with this problem. As time passed, under different seasons, I came to a conclusion, that giving is something that tells what you are responsible for this world to yourself. And, its not something that need someone’s judgement. That sense that makes yourself happy, that times when you feel good to share, giving is good. These are the times I realised I belong to this world. There is no question of economical differences in this case. Why do we transact everything, ethics, emotions, in rupees, which should only be for a kind of service or a product.

Help…! Help..? Help…@

I sometimes feel people are too bad at decision making and they are mostly not prepared for the society’s challenges. So as some genius said, it’s better to mimic someone in some situations than be creative, is the only agenda many would probably behave like.

Can we probably have different currency for helping. That could probably get the seeker needed support. I feel there are multiple channels that try to do this already. But nothing came to be as successful as money did. Could AI and Blockchain yield something greater that can easily bring people’s generosity up and lead a better life together.

With diversity in the world and existential patterns in the societies, it shouldn’t be a tough task to classify the types of help that generally occurs, which is a kind of transaction. Could we end up with an universal currency of help and get people to become richer in helping quotient. Can there be exchanges that can convert these currencies to money.
